About Chloé

Hello, I’m Chloé!

Almost a decade ago in 2012, I started my natural hair journey and committed myself to learn as much as I could about taking care of naturally curly and Afro hair as possible.

It came with a lot of trial and error, whether it was my styles, techniques, or products and that’s where my personal blog @curlygalchlo came in— to share my journey with more people!

My passion for products and ingredient education led to some great opportunities, getting to connect with 40+ independent and Black-owned curl care brands and eventually launching ODYSSEY BOX UK.

I still wanted to learn more… So I left my degree behind and took the opportunity to train in curly hair styling and learn the Curl by Curl technique and from Cut It Kinky – which pretty much consolidated a decade of experience and reunited me with my first love – hairdressing!

So now, here I am in Manchester taking all I’ve learned to share my love of curls with you. I take a minimalistic approach to educating you about your curls, and I use only high-quality plant-powered products for my services.

It’s my mission to bring more joy to you and your curly hair care experiences.

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